Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Metaphor

I love metaphors. Maybe because I am a visual learner, I find that when I have a really good metaphor it helps me to really grab hold of an idea. Thus when I think about having children the best metaphor that I can think of for the process is a roller coaster. (I'm not suggesting that you should be scared out of your mind but you really do need to think of the scariest one you can imagine!)

The initial process, and ladies you do know which bit I'm talking about, is like waiting in line. For some, that line is so bloody long, for others they may be in a position to get someone else to wait in line for them. Some people are a bit like that add on tv where the punch line is 'you should have gone to speck savers' - because quite frankly you didn't realise that you were waiting in line to go on a BIG FRIGGIN' ROLLER COASTER! For me and my typical micro managed life, hubby and I had the whole thing planned right down to the date. (I wanted an October baby - I got an October baby).

Once you are pregnant, you are locked in. Safety bar in place, straps clicked in. In short - you can't get out of it now! The nine months that follow are the click clack that occurs as you slowly make your way up the first incline ready to drop to certain craziness! You adjust your smile, for the camera shot, so everything thinks that you are completely in control - but secretely you are crapping your pants at every turn (we can talk about incontinence later) and get ready so scream your heart out.

Take a deep breath, this is the best ride you have ever been on. Trust me, and I'm not just saying this because I really do love roller coasters, but there is a reason why women just keep going back for more.  To end this first post I want you to always be reminded of the roller coaster; there are ups and downs, bits that make you feel physically sick but you will get off at the end and think 'I am so glad I went on that, that's the most fun I have ever had!!!'

S x

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